Empty Your Mind - a powerful Zen story for your life.


Once upon a time in a small village nestled among the Rolling Hills, lived a young man named Hiro. Hiro was known throughout the village for his restless mind, always filled with thoughts about the past and the future. Seeking solace, Hiro embarks on a journey to find a renowned Zen master living atop a distant mountain. Little did he know, this journey would change his life forever.

Section 1: Hiro's Quest for Inner Peace

Describe Hiro's restlessness and his decision to seek the wisdom of the Zen master. Emphasize his yearning for inner peace and his hope that the Zen master holds the key to tranquility.

Section 2: Meeting the Zen Master

Narrate Hiro's arrival at the mountain top and his encounter with the Zen master. Highlight the master's serene demeanor and his deep meditation. Hiro respectfully seeks guidance from the master, expressing his desire to empty his cluttered mind.

Section 3: The Lesson of the Water Basin

Illustrate the Zen master's response to Hiro's request. Describe the scene of a small courtyard with a beautiful garden, featuring a large stone basin filled to the brim with water. The master demonstrates the task of transferring all the water from the basin to a smaller bowl without spilling a single drop.

Section 4: The Importance of Emptying the Mind

Describe Hiro's initial confusion and his attempts to complete the task. Highlight his growing frustration and the observation of the master. Emphasize the crucial lesson that Hiro has forgotten—to empty the basin, he must first empty his mind.

Section 5: Letting Go and Finding Flow

Detail the Zen master's guidance on emptying the mind. Emphasize the importance of letting go of worries, fears, and attachments, and focusing solely on the present moment. Describe Hiro's transformation as he follows the master's advice and enters a state of flow, with a clear mind and effortless movements.

Section 6: The Miraculous Outcome

Portray the remarkable shift as Hiro's newfound tranquility affects the task at hand. Describe how, with each scoop, the water flows effortlessly into the smaller bowl, gradually emptying the basin. Express Hiro's amazement and gratitude towards the Zen master as he completes the challenge.

Section 7: Embracing Inner Peace

Conclude the story by highlighting Hiro's realization that true peace and clarity reside within him. Describe how he carries the wisdom of the Zen master in his heart, finding solace and embracing the path to true inner peace.


The story of Hiro and the Zen master teaches us the invaluable lesson of emptying the mind to find inner peace. By letting go of worries, fears, and attachments, and focusing on the present moment, we can experience a state of flow and clarity. Embrace the path to true peace within and allow the universe to flow through you. Remember Hiro's journey and the wisdom of the Zen master as you embark on your own quest for inner peace.

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